Now Then is an independent, award-winning platform for free, high-quality citizen journalism in Sheffield.

At the heart of our approach to publishing is a belief that systemic change is needed to address the pressing social, economic and political challenges we face, as a city and as a society.

Now Then amplifies unheard and marginalised voices, while we also encourage ‘active citizenship’, community participation and a do-it-yourself approach to making things better.

Articles, reviews and interviews are written by local people and the direction of Now Then is shaped by them.

We support the local economy and therefore we do not work with chains, corporations or multinationals. Instead, we work exclusively with independent traders, community groups, charities and local government.

Now Then is all about supporting the things that make a community what it is – creativity, collaboration and conscience.

While the physical magazine – printed from 2008 to 2020 – was prized by many, since Covid we have been exclusively online. We take great pride in our website and the people it reaches.

If you have something to say, get in touch.

Title Banner Photo: Andy Brown
Artwork: Phlegm

Now Then Allies, Advertising and Marketing

Now Then works in partnership with local independent traders, charities and civil society groups who share our values. Our partnerships with these allies help to fund Now Then’s high quality citizen journalism and support independent media.

We want to celebrate our allies and make sure that organisations, businesses, charities and community groups are seen by our audiences and celebrated for their impact in Sheffield. We offer a range of advertising and marketing services for allies including web advertising, inclusion in our weekly newsletter, editorial coverage, social media campaigns, distribution of printed promotional material, profiles for our allies on the Now Then website and the ability to host your own offers, discounts and opportunities on your profile.

If you are an organisation interested in becoming a Now Then Ally, read more here.