A Quick Chat With Pandemic 2011

We caught up with Pandemic – a situationist art event happening right now in our Steel City and with a residency at Bank Street Arts

So Pandemic is happening right now across the city – can you sum up the big idea for us?
Create a perpetually moving and mutating programme of events over an indeterminate area of space and time.

How did the residency at Bank Street Arts come about?
Through the need of space and the possibility of indeterminate time.

How did the first events on 5th November go?
One of the returning themes of that particular day was expectation; in terms of ‘what is this event?’ the performances, events and the simple act of hanging and taking down of visual works, sought to act as a present tense critique of our motivations, and of the event as we moved through it.
Many of those who arrived at Garden Street were unknown to us and had come down simply to see if there would be space for them to show something.

If you don’t feel that’s answered your questions, best thing is probably to head on down to some of the myriad of events they have on this weekend or catch up with them on Facebook and Twitter.


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