Job Opportunity: Postering Assistant

Ad-hoc role for the delivery and installation of A3/A4 posters in designated outlets across Sheffield, across the city’s daytime and evening economies.

We have a pre-planned list of outlets who will accept posters, ranging from cafes and restaurants to shops, bars, and live venues.

Average 100 posters/locations, 10hrs max over 2 days, one daytime and one evening.

Work is occasional and flexible, with a five day window to complete each job as they come in, to fit around any other work commitments you may have.

Own transport ideal, as the job requires the covering of a wide range of areas in Sheffield. 50p per mile allowance provided.

£13.50p/h, flat Opus pay rate across all members of the Opus team.

How To Apply

Please send a copy of your CV and an email or attached covering letter of no more than 400 words, or a video of up to 2 minutes in length, detailing why you would be well suited to the role, to

About Opus

Opus is a not-for-profit social enterprise based in Sheffield, established in 2008. Our projects include Now Then Magazine, Festival of Debate, Opus Distribution and UBI Lab Network.

Opus works to contribute upstream solutions to complex system problems. We do this through strategic partnerships, engaging arts and culture, research, identifying leverage points, and co-creation. We incubate and deploy services, projects, platforms, decentralised networks and movements proportionate to the challenges ahead.

Opus is multidisciplinary, cross-sector and adaptive, working across hyper-local, regional, national and international contexts. We work with citizens, communities, neighbourhoods, business, voluntary groups, cities, campaigns, research institutions, infrastructure organisations and governments to address the entangled ecological, social, economic, political and cultural crisis we collectively face.

We recognise that this is a long-term and systemic approach to social change. There are no easy fixes and few quick wins, so we spend our time and energy creating the space – whether that’s a platform, a network or something else – for new ideas to emerge and develop.

Opus reaches more than 150,000 people a year through live events, broadcasting and publishing in Sheffield and beyond.

Pay Rates

The rate of pay at Opus is currently £13.50 per hour. This equates to a pro rata salary of £26,325. This is what all Opus employees are currently paid, including the company’s Directors. 

As a worker-controlled company, everyone gets a say on when and by how much we increase our hourly rate. Whenever we increase wages, we do so for everyone who works at the company. 

We have made the collective decision to increase wages three times in the last 18 months and will return to the issue again soon.

Diversity & Equal Opportunities

Diversity in our workforce is a priority for Opus. As well as the clear moral imperative of properly reflecting our city’s make-up, diversity in our team improves how we work, how we ‘frame’ problems and their possible solutions, and how we interact with stakeholders and audiences.

We particularly encourage applications from groups that are under-represented. This includes, but is not limited to, Black, Asian and racialised candidates, disabled people, those who identify as LGBTQI+ and individuals from disadvantaged socioeconomic backgrounds.


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